Friday, November 11, 2011


Like a dustbin my mind is full
          With ideas of different sorts
Blue, black and white
          Pigmented with shabby spots.

Like crows over the carcass
          And flies over garbage,
Hover over my mind
          Ideas smelling sewage.

I am sorry my poor mind
          But why don’t you go mad
It is better to be inside
          Than salute a Mr. Cad.

I would ask you Mr. God
          If not were you but dead
The cause you play me so
          Like a dog with a rotten bread.

Should I weep or laugh
          At my sullen sunken soul
Which is doomed to suffer in bits
          Like a worm under the sole.

Why I always fail
          To adjust like other men,
Why my mind you wail
          Before chopping like a hen.

No one listens to fowl,
          Not the butcher nor the knife,
You wail and or you rail
          But gone is your life.

Ah how pleasant it is
          To think about you Death!!
But how tough it is
          To stop this curst breath!!

Give me some more pills
          And let me sleep again
Drive the crows and flies
          And make my veins sane.

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