Thursday, April 29, 2010


Eyes are called the tongue of the heart
As they express the most hidden part

Look in the eyes and listen to what they say
And you need not any prattle or someone’s pray

The language of the eyes – eyes better know
They harvest all at once whatever you sow

Tongues are timid as shy as a dove
They fight for the life but can’t say ‘I love’

Eyes are bold they such a power hold
They express all untold as soon you behold

Chatting through eyes fears no spies
None listens but they the heart’s chuckles and cries

Human heart’s store exceeds one crore
Emotions told untold which eyes never ignore

Juice of the eyes a liquid called tear
Falls when you weep, laugh, pine or fear

A feminine tear is a weapon and a masculine tear shame
Hearts tear at tears and tears tear the flame

Eyes are like pigeons, messenger of the heart
Conferring through the balls is a smart man’s art.

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