Friday, April 30, 2010


A hollow body and sunken eye
Some counted hair grey and dry

Wrinkled lips, cheeks and throat
A black patched and coarse coat

Look the scarecrow ran
The skeleton of a man

Everyday in the morn
Since I have born

Have seen he goes on foot
Without a hat or boot

With some books and a pen
Through that narrow, dirty lane

On a fixed time schedule
To his temple called school

A priest to his work
And a god to his boys

A double role in single scene
This poor man enjoys

He does not have a car
Any building or mobile

But he rules over the town
With a single short smile

Riches of the rich
All bow before him

From a sweeper to a D. M
Show him all esteem

He does not have a bomb
Any rapier or a gun

Still he can command
Your daughter and my son

What is this magic?
That this old man has got

For which we call him master
And bear him cool and hot

A teacher is he called
By the people all around

A guru in the heaven
And the master on the ground

All wealth and car
Are toys before him

As the best gem of earth
He holds on his chin

Knowledge in a man
Is the best gift of God

That makes a man a Man
And makes him be the lord

Teaching is an art
And learning is its part

The both as a coin
Make a man smart

Teaching has an end
But learning has it not

So learning while teaching
Improves a man a lot

A teacher is a man
Who is better than a god

The real God with trident
Is better to have a rod

God makes a man
And gives him but the life

It is a teacher on the earth
Who teaches the life’s strife

To be a teacher and serve
Is a holy life’s plan

So teach to learn and learn
To teach is real man

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