Friday, April 23, 2010



Oh I looked for Beauty again

Opening my wearied eyes,

But could not see around

So closed it with my sighs.

Where is Beauty found?

I’ll travel to that State,

I’ll run to any miles

And will wait till any date.

I peeped through the window

And scanned the busy road,

But the Beauty I saw nowhere

In my country or abroad.

In the garden I saw on Rose

On Tulip, Urhul and Belle,

But Beauty was missing to all

Shaking them pale and stale.

I moved towards a fare

To find a fair face,

But the dames besides men

Were devoid of the void race.

Neither in His farms

Nor in Her charms

Beauty I saw nowhere

Neither psalms nor in arms.

Tired of my quest

From toes to the crest,

I looked within myself

Soliciting succour and help.

And lo the Beauty was there

Ending my tedious quest,

I found Beauty within

And found peace and rest.

The Beauty from my within

Peeped through my eyes,

Making the world Beautiful

And soothing my thorny sighs.

Note: The outer beauty is beautiful only when you feel beauty in yourself.


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